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An Update

Written By Unknown on Monday, March 26, 2012 | 5:00 AM

I can't believe it's already been over a week since Charlotte was born! It was a tough first week especially without family here, but I have some great friends that have been so very helpful and have made the adjustment so much easier.

The toughest part about last week was our first trip to the Dr. office to check on baby's weight and overall health conditions. The first thing my doctor said to me as I past her in the hallway was..."uh-oh, she is looking yellow." Then after weighing Charlotte, she informed me that she had lost too much weight (about 1lb) and I needed to start supplementing with formula. She said if her weight wasn't up in 2 days she would have her admitted into the hospital.

The words "You need to start supplementing with formula" was something I have been dreading through the whole pregnancy.

With my first child, I had wanted to nurse exclusively but found that right from the start, I wasn't producing enough milk to do so. In an attempt to increase my milk supply I would first nurse my baby, then rig-up this unpleasant SNS tubing system, followed by about 15-20min. of pumping. Each feeding would take 1-1/2 to 2 hours...the whole thing was incredibly exhausting and I'm sad to say nothing worked.

So, you can imagine my frustration when I began to re-live my last experience. Following the Dr. visit I spent the rest of the day with the "Baby Blues," (I had really hoped that my body would respond differently this time around and that I would be able to nurse like a normal mother).  After meeting with a lactation counselor and spending A LOT of time weighing my options... I have decided to just deal with what I have been given and not stress over it too much. I am just going to nurse my baby whatever I can and supplement when needed.

Other then that, things have been going very well! Baby Charlotte still spends a lot of time sleeping, and Nolan (my 2 yr old) has been adapting much better then expected.

I am planning on posting a great DIY project this week (since my mom is now here to help out) hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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