I am now about 30 weeks pregnant and I literally feel "As Big as a House!"
I just tried on a few shirts that I wore only a week or so ago and I can't even button them (apparently I am growing at a rapid rate!). But I can't blame it all on the baby. I'll be honest, I have put on more then my fair share of pregnancy poundage thanks to all the yummy holiday food that seem to never disappear. It's so hard for me to say no to sweets when I'm not trying to fit into my favortie jeans.
But, besides feeling like a giant, (+ a few other ailments) things are going pretty well! I am still sleeping alright at night, and have been having a blast spending time with my family. I leave to go back to NM this morning, and am excited to see my husband who flew back a week earlier then me... to do that silly thing called work :)
I did end up getting my hair cut a couple of weeks ago and I was actually brave enough to get bangs! It's fun having a new hair style, and I definitely feel different with them but they have taken a little time to get use too! I keep wanting to push them to the side, or just pin them up because I feel weird having hair lay on my forehead :) But my husband says he likes them, so I guess they will stay for a while!