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An Update
Written By Unknown on Monday, October 3, 2011 | 5:00 AM
Well, I'm about 16 weeks along in my pregnancy now and things are going fairly well! I'm starting to get "the bump" but am at that sort of awkward point where if you didn't know I was pregnant you would just think that I have put on a few extra pounds...not so fun. My clothes are starting to get too tight but my old maternity jeans are still too big so getting dressed everyday has become a bit of a challenge. I still get a little nausea and heartburn everyday (or every evening/night I should say) but I had that through my whole first pregnancy so I'm expecting this one to be the same.
I had one of my regular Dr. visits last week and was reminded that I will be having the ultra sound where I find out the baby's gender at my next visit (which is at the end of this month)! I couldn't believe it was already so soon but I'm excited to find out!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! I made THIS soup for dinner yesterday and it was delicious! A perfect way to start off the fall!
Do you have any favorite soup recipes? I'm always looking to add some to my list!