Decorating for holidays can get a little pricey, which is why I have started to collect apothecary and other decorative glass jars that I can use for multiple holidays, (but I fill them with the appropriate festive decor). I always try to think of very inexpensive ways to fill the jars though, because you always need more filling then you think.
A couple of years ago I was looking for something to fill my jars with for Halloween so I started looking through some decor items that I already had (cheapest way to go about it!) I came across some creepy miscellaneous Dollar Store finds and a few old bags of candy corn and thought they would be a perfect filler for the jars.
I randomly placed some plastic mini skulls, spiders, skeleton hands, and fingers into the jars and then filled the rest with candy corn. I thought it looked pretty cool and so I've been doing it for the last couple of years!
I even started bagging my old candy corn in zip-lock bags so I can re-use it for next year! Which might sound gross, but come on... people should know not to eat the candy when its being used as decoration...and if they do...well then a rock hard piece of candy corn is their punishment!
If you would like to see a more detailed How-To click below!
Creepy Candy Corn Jar
Needed Supplies
-Large glass jar
-Small creepy accessories (like mini skulls, or fake witches fingers...the $1 store is a great place to look!)
-Lots of candy corn (you can buy it on sale for next year if you want to save a buck or two!)
Step 1. Fill the bottom of the jar with desired creepy accessories
Step 2. Add a layer of candy corn
Step 3. Add another layer of creepy accessories (make sure they lay on the perimeter of the jar, or no one will see them once the candy corn is in.)
Step 4. Pour in more candy corn and add another layer of the creepy stuff.
Step 5. Repeat layers until the jar is full.
Step 6. Place a few creepy items in the lid to finish off the look.
Display in a desired location!