Well, I am both glad and excited to say that I have a good excuse...
Yep, I'm pregnant with number two...and about 3 months along!
Before I get into my please feel sorry for me bit, I would like to apologize to all of you, my readers for my blog slacking. I love all of the feedback I receive, and still read each comment made, but I haven't been very good at returning the favor. I also haven't been very good at posting my own projects and tutorials because well, I barely have the energy to keep my house clean (actually it's been a catastrophe) and adding projects to my to-do list has just not been realistic lately.
My number one priority right now is just to be as good of a mom as I can for my little guy, while still trying to take care of myself for the one on the way.
I have had everything from nausea, heartburn, headaches, as well as a few unmentionable symptoms (and often all at once). The symptoms seem to worsen as the day goes on and by 7:00pm (which is when I usually do my blogging stuff) all I want to do is curl in a ball and lay in bed.
But the good news is the last 2 or 3 days I have been feeling better. The evenings are still a little difficult, but I am starting to feel like my old self again and am excited to start some new projects and recipes!
So look forward to some upcoming projects, and if anyone has any good super quick and easy dinner ideas I would LOVE to hear them!