I hope your not tired of my frosting tutorials...
because here is another one only this time it's a technique used for frosting cupcakes!
Last week I baked up a quick batch of cupcakes for a picnic. I wanted to do something fun with the frosting so, I started experimenting with my 104 Wilton frosting tip to see what sort of different designs I could make with it.
When I realized that I could make a rather pretty flower pattern with the 104 tip I was super excited and immediately grabbed my husband (who just happened to come home for a lunch break) and had him shoot a quick video tutorial of this frosting technique so I could share it with all of you!
The video was actually done in our backyard...I don't have any video editing programs so please forgive the lovely birds chirping in the background!
So basically, I just used my #104 Wilton frosting tip
, and placed it inside of my frosting bag. Then, I filled the bag with colored Buttercream Frosting. With the skinny end of the tip facing up, and the fat end closest to the cupcake, I made a wave-like pattern all the way around the cupcake and ended in the center. The technique is actually very similar to the "Ruffle Frosting Technique" I posted previously, only you tilt the frosting tip at a slight angle.
I hope that video tutorial was helpful, frosting techniques are a little hard to show with just photos, so I thought this would be nice for a change!
By the way, don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY for the "Best Bites - Mormon Moms In The Kitchen" cookbook go HERE for details!